*********************************************************************** *** DBProducts concept *** Overview *** © Denis Bucher 1993-96 *** *********************************************************************** -= Software Packages =- DBAreafix : The best Areafix and Filemgr for DLGMail ! ~~~~~~~~~~~ A *complete* Areafix program for DLG BB/OS. Updated at least four times a MONTH ! FULL FREE VERSION. Very easy configuration / working. Complete Filemgr, too! INCLUDED : DBAreafix.guide ! DBTicker : The file tosser. ~~~~~~~~~~ Enables you to receive the file areas (with TICK files) are route the files to your links. Enables you to keep these files apart for you (for nodelist processing, for example). Will also import those files in the BBS. DBDLGMailer : The BBS Postman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A *complete* mailer for DLG ! Send letters to each of your users ... Automatically ! DBQuest : The BBS Trivial Pursuit ;-) ~~~~~~~~~ A great game with hiscores as DOOR in any BBS ! Edit the provided text file with all types of questions : Multiple answers / Multiple choices or precise / All configurable. --------------------------------------------------------------------- GREEEAAAT !!!! : All Software Packages served with >>Installation program and Docs<< --------------------------------------------------------------------- -= Programs =- DBChrono Never wanted on your computer the same chronometer as those sold in electronics shops ? No GUI. -= Small Utilities =- DBTotalize Add all the numbers in a file ... Could be vital !! DBAsc Useful for programmers : CLI util displaying the ASCII value of a character / vice-versa DBBin Useful for programmers : CLI util displaying the Binary value of a decial number / vice-versa DBWait UNPUBLISHED : DBWait 21:05:10 will wait until that hour. Very usefull in scripts or for quick NEEDS in a Shell. DBPoll For trapdoor users : Poll 5 make TrapDoor to call yournet:yourhost/5.0 + With a "countinous" option if BUSY + Poll i 2:301/317 is also working ... Usefull in scripts or in events. Needs TDialC, an other small util. DBFlash Useful in scripts : produces a system beep (flash and/or sound, according to prefs) DBHour Display a giant clock in CLI/Shell ! Nice BBS door, too. DBDays What is the last nodelist I should have ? MAGIX PROG ! ;-)) DBAreaEdit Edit name / number of a DLG file area. But DLG-Edit by Kevin Phair is doing that better, now ;-) --- ©1996 Denis Bucher --- List creation : 27 May 1995 --- V1.0 --- 02 Dec 1995 --- V1.1 --- --- Last revision : 10 Feb 1996 --- V1.2 ---